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Even If You Cannot See

Our final semester of undergraduate school has been an interesting one. My husband has been applying for graduate school and it has been an emotional and stressful journey...for me at least. He's really good about not stressing.

We know we are moving in December...we just don't know where it is we are moving. I bet you can imagine how stressful that is. To be honest some days I was so overwhelmed by the uncertainty I felt like I couldn't function properly. I've had to remind myself that in the past when I was uncertain about how things would turn out everything always worked out better than I imagined it would.

Tysen completed all of his applications today and a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. I've been tired of worrying so much. I haven't been enjoying my last few weeks here because I have been too focused on leaving. I have decided to enjoy the rest of my time here in southeast Idaho because I know that wherever it is we end up we will be happy and we will wonder why it is we ever worried.

Something I have learned from all my past experiences, trials, and concerns...whatever they have been is that sometimes it's rough getting to where we need to be but in the end it has always been worth it.

Though we may not know where we are headed we have decided to enjoy our journey getting there. After's not about the destination, it's the journey.

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