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My Journey So Far

By request I have been asked to share more about my infertility journey so far. I guess after reading so many stories I haven't like mine is all that special or exciting. But here it goes!

In March 2014 my husband Ty, and I decided it was time to start having kids. For some reason throughout our marriage in the back of my head I have always had the thought that I wasn't able to have kids. That thought was always nagging at me. But, there was nothing I could do about it. As most people know most doctors won't test you for infertility unless you have been trying to conceive for a year. In August my period didn't show up! I was thrilled! I took a pregnancy test. Negative. I decided to wait another week and see what happens. No period and another negative pregnancy test. Within the next month or so I probably took about 10 pregnancy tests. Each leaving me in tears. Then my period started. Something just felt wrong. I bought some ovulation kits and decided for the whole month I would do some tracking. I never once got a positive ovulation test. At this point we had only been trying to get pregnant for about 6 months. However, I had that feeling again that something was wrong so I decided to go see someone about it anyways even though we haven't been trying for a year. Long story short. I don't ovulate. That's ok though! I know there are pills to fix that.

Eventually, after a couple months of testing and delays I finally go those lovely pills (Clomid) that brought me so much hope! A little side note...I was always told how fertility pills make you a little crazy but I never really believe that they could. My poor husband...I was a sweet treat. Anyways, for the first time in my life I got a positive ovulation test that month and I was so excited! I knew we would be pregnant in no time. Well here we are. A few months shy of having been trying to conceive for two years and not one positive pregnancy test. In July I was taken off of Clomid and asked to go see a specialist. Unfortunately my husband and I are students with terrible insurance so seeing a fertility specialist isn't an option. We don't have the money and our hope to have children has been placed in storage.

Anyways, if any of you have ever experienced infertility feel free to reach out to me. I've been surprised at how many people I know are going through the same thing as me. We don't have to go through this alone. The hardest thing for me has been feeling like nobody understands.

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